Tuesday, August 11, 2015

5 Causes of Acne You Probably Didn’t Know

I still remember my high school time where nothing haunted me more than pimples on my face. Pimples and acne are like a nightmare for all people, particularly girls. It seems that everything one eats or even drinks triggers this army of teeny tiny pimples dying to come on your skin surface for grand party. Well, let’s not have them do that. Shall we? The first and most important thing you can do is to get basic understanding of what acne is? According to an acne expert, acne is blockage of pores by excretions of skin sebaceous glands. The blockage can result in number of things like pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, greasy skin etc. It means the real culprits are sebaceous glands.
Understanding Acne
Acne is the most common disease that affects almost every individual once in a while. According to renowned acne expert, figuring out what is causing you acne is your first step to acne treatment. It is all about taking a keen look at causes of acne so that you can better combat this disease.
Common Causes of Acne
It’s time for you to know the causes of acne as you deserve to know what things are causing you so much trouble. Let’s take a brief look on these causes you would never have known before.
Like your skin complexion, height, hair color and other features, skin problems are also linked to your genes. It seems not good saying that you having acne is quiet your parents’ fault.
Hormonal Imbalance
The next malefactor causing acne is hormonal imbalance. That is why teenagers mostly complaint about acne because during puberty, hormonal imbalance is common. This hormonal imbalance triggers the sebaceous glands of body, which in turn send an army of irritating warriors to your cute, peace-loving skin surface. Usually, females are more prone to acne than males because of high hormonal imbalance.
Well, you all are familiar with these homeless microorganisms known as bacteria that make clogged pores their home and start feeding on sebum. Thus, this cruel organism works hard on making one’s worst nightmare come true in the form of acne breakout.
Allergy to Certain Cosmetics
Do you know what is right for your skin and what is not? Well, fifty percent of people don’t. Let me tell you that. Sometimes acne is simply an allergic reaction of using any cosmetic which does not suit your skin. Moreover, some people have very sensitive skin which, when exposed to chemical soaps or sun screens, results in acne breakout. Thus, you must take care while selecting any face product for you as it may not be suitable for your skin type.
Cell Turnover Rate
Our skin cells regenerate after a certain period of time and the dead cells are meant to shed off. But, in certain individuals the cell turnover rate is so low that dead cells do not shed off properly. As a result pores are blocked, leading to acne.
Don’t You Worry

Apart from above mentioned causes, sleep deprivation, stress, improper diet is also some of the causes that lead to acne. But you don’t need to worry because knowing these causes will actually help you get over it. So just take care of what you do and eat because everything matters when it’s your skin under discussion. for more details please visit : http://www.theskingames.com/

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